Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i wonder

i wonder as to why i wonder? its just probably being born in the species called humans.
humans unlike other animals on this planet earth, THINK. whether what we think is fruitful or not, we just think..thinking is in our genes, we cannot avoid it.
but how different or akin is THINKing to WONDERing?
thinking might me be with and/or for a specific purpose, you almost know the outcome at the end of your thinking session. Thats how thinking differs from wondering.
Wondering, like wandering is pretty aimless..without a direction. And then you might in some eventuality end up having answers for some long forgotten questions.
Wondering helps you let your imagination run and think out of box., and so does thinking, right?
probably its just how the usage of certain terms end up having certain connotations over a period of time.
well..the dictionary meaning of the two words vary, the occasion of usage of the two varies, though they sometimes are used interchangeably.
However WONDERing somehow sounds more sonorous than THINKing. WONDERing somehow lets your brain and heart do the job of seeking simultaneously, whereas THINKing sounds so straight jacketed and mundane.
well for now i wonder why we think?
So long theen...

Monday, March 1, 2010


AH! Finally i am here...a commendable effort for a procrastinator.
I welcome myself to the world of blogging.
WHY am i here? curiosity. Curiosity to know, all about blogging. Curiosity to know if people out there are free to read my thoughts. Curiosity to know if i can write and write well. Curiosity to know if i can translate my thoughts to words. Curiosity to know how many out there will follow my blog (the entries and updates in which, i feel are going to be at long intervals, as i am a religious procrastinator).Also to chronicle my thoughts for future reference.

WHY do humans feel the need to be known, need to know, need to write, need to be published, need to be read...the list of needs is indeed an infinite one.

WHY am a Vagabond on the Wondering Path? I am a restless person with a brain that thinks a bit too much. I Wonder most times at most everything, which the next person might not even notice and most times am so lost in my wondering zone that i am out of tune with the world.

Before i sign off on this...WHY is it called blog/ blogging?